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Natural intelligence is the use of naturally occurring logic

Aristotle was the first – and up to recent the only – one to describe a natural reasoning construct, almost 2400 years ago:

  • Given: All philosophers are mortal;

  • Given: Socrates is a philosopher;

  • Logical conclusion: Socrates is mortal.


And I have discovered more reasoning constructs, naturally found in the human language.


The human language basically consists of many simple reasoning constructs, which are in fact natural laws of intelligence. Together, these naturally occurring reasoning constructs form an extremely complex knowledge and understanding system, which we call: the human language. I am implementing these naturally occurring reasoning constructs in software, which is published as open source. It is the world's only multilingual as well as the world's only self-organizing knowledge and understanding system.

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Science relies on the assumption that we live in an ordered universe, that is subject to exact, deterministic and consistent laws of nature. In search for the exact, deterministic and consistent laws of nature involved with intelligence, I have discovered that natural intelligence
is in fact a set of naturally occurring logic, which is more advanced than the logic already described by scientists. I have identified the human language and spatial information as sources of natural intelligence. My focus is on language.

As a Christian, I believe that nature is designed intelligently. And I believe that in principle any intelligent design can be unraveled by means of reverse engineering. Using reverse engineering, I am replicating natural intelligence in software, based on God's intelligent design of the human language, which I call: Laws of Intelligence that are naturally found in the Human Language. My automated reasoning system has results that scientists can't deliver, because scientific theories are inadequate to define intelligence in a natural, consistent and deterministic way.

Moreover, I have discovered that these naturally occurring reasoning constructs provide the human language its self-organizing capabilities. By utilizing the self-organizing properties of language, my software – called Thinknowlogy – is the world's only self-organizing reasoning system.

Although many languages exist, God has designed the human language only once. This one design applies to all languages. I have configured the logic of my system for five languages: English, Spanish, French, Dutch and Chinese, while scientific reasoning systems are limited to one language.

My software is published as open source. So, anyone with programming knowledge can explore how my system works.

Advanced explanation

I am using fundamental science / basic research (logic and laws of nature) instead of cognitive science (simulation of behavior), because:

  • Autonomous reasoning requires both natural intelligence and natural language;

  • Intelligence and language are natural phenomena;

  • Natural phenomena obey laws of nature;

  • Laws of nature and logic are investigated using fundamental science.


These Laws of Intelligence that are naturally found in the Human Language are demonstrated by:

  • Reasoning in natural language:

    • drawing conclusions (more advanced than scientific solutions),

    • making assumptions (with self-adjusting level of uncertainty),

    • asking questions (about gaps in the knowledge),

    • detecting confirmations, conflicts and some cases of semantic ambiguity,

    • displaying justification reports for the self-generated knowledge;

  • Multilingualism, proving: Natural languages have one common and logical origin.


Scientific challenge:

My automated reasoning system has results that scientists can't deliver – under the same strict precondition – because scientific theories are inadequate to describe natural intelligence. Therefore, I defy anyone to beat the simplest results of my reasoner in a generic (=scientific) way, under the same strict preconditions as my system:

  • from Controlled Natural Language (sentences with a very limited, delimited grammar), via algorithms, back to Controlled Natural Language;

  • without pre-programmed knowledge;

  • without human-written output sentences;

  • without using extensive word lists;

  • in multiple languages;

  • and published – free of charge – as open source software.

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©2023 Menno Mafait

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