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Appendix: Genesis hidden in the Chinese language

The Chinese language is the oldest, continuously written language in the world. It was first written over 4,500 years ago. And some Chinese characters seem to refer to first book of the bible (Genesis). A few examples:


The Chinese character for “to create” consists of four components, and seems to refer to the creation of “Man” – later called: Adam:

  • Dust or mud: God has created Adam from dust;

  • Mouth or breath: God breathed into the nostrils of Adam;

  • Movement or life: Adam became alive;

  • Able to walk: Adam was directly able to walk (and to speak).


“Then the Lord God formed the man from the dust of the ground. He breathed the breath of life into the man's nostrils, and the man became a living person.” (Genesis 2 verse 7)


(See on YouTube: “Genesis hidden in the Chinese language? - Part 2”)


The Chinese character for “to covet, to desire” consists of two components, and seems to refer to the Fall:

  • Two trees: the tree of life, and the tree of the knowledge of good and evil;

  • A woman: “Woman” – later called: Eve – desired the fruit of the only forbidden tree.


(See on YouTube: “Genesis hidden in the Chinese language? - Part 3”)


On YouTube: “Genesis Code Hidden Within The Ancient Chinese Language”, among all:

  • The Chinese character for “first” consists of three components: alive, dust, and man. (Adam – created from dust – was the first man to become alive);

  • The Chinese character for “to talk” consists of three components: dust, breath/mouth, and alive. (Adam – created from dust – was able to talk);

  • The Chinese character for “naked” consists of two components: man and fruit. (After Adam and Eve had eaten the fruit from the forbidden tree, they felt naked);

  • The Chinese character for “pain” consists of two components: a piece and two trees. (Pain was a punishment from God for Adam and Eve after they had eaten a piece of fruit from the forbidden tree).


On YouTube: “How Chinese Characters confirm Genesis & Bible stories”, among all:

  • The Chinese character for “flood” consists of four components: eight, united, earth, and water. (Noah, his wife, and their three sons with their wives, all eight were united in their boat, while the surface of the Earth was flooded with water).

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